Those crazy Chinese, banning everything in sight. But this is after they get us to owe them zillions and convince us to import their throw away crap they call electronics and such. Then in a flurry of energy saving and security measures they ban Windows 8 from their government computers. Doh. At least promote something plausible.
I can't really blame them, though. I banned Windows 8 from the computers in my house while it was still in CTP. I could not find my pleasant and soothing desktop and my extensive files strewn about my PC for 20+ years, because I remember Windows 3.1. Ok, Windows 8 is great, if you are a social butterfly. If you are a developer, you now have twice as much work to do to get stuff to run on everything before Windows 8 and then Windows 8 itself.
Maybe we could ban Chinese food from smelling up our corporate lunchrooms via our Chinese manufactured microwave ovens.