So many smart phones, tablets, smart watch, etc. it looks like the home PC might be headed for a little rendezvous with cassette tapes. However, we are not there yet as tablets and smartphones have limited computing capabilities compared to a high end development box. There are some laptops that have high end computing abilities but they are lacking in some areas too.
WiMax for tablets and laptops needs to be brought up to speed so internet access is available always no matter where you are. These tablets and laptops need to be fast, with a lot of storage and able to do what your PC can do. They also need to have cellular connectivity capability. A Bluetooth connection to your tablet or laptop for answering phone calls is a must.
You roll all this into a go anywhere, always connected, do anything device and you have replaced the home PC. Then, your wife can't hack your computer when your not home to see what you have been doing on the Net.